

All of huntington Beach

Boards & Commissions

The City Council appoints a number of citizen committees, boards, and commissions that serve as advisory bodies to the City Council. These bodies play an essential role in the governance of our City and provide the City Council with valuable input. Committee, board, and commission members are appointed by the respective 2024 Council Liaisons. Unless specified otherwise, each serve four-year terms (for a maximum of two terms) and may only serve on one committee, board, or commission at a time. A brief description of the purpose and authority delegated to each body is provided below.

Each year in December, as required by the State Maddy Act, the City Council approves a list of all those board, commission, and committee members whose terms will expire in the coming year. A list of scheduled vacancies occurring in 2023 can be found in the 2024 Local Appointments List, and a list of unscheduled vacancies can be found in the Notice of Vacancy.  

If you are interested in applying for a vacancy, we encourage you to complete an online membership application

If you have any questions, please contact Administrative Assistant, Cathy Fikes at (714) 536-5553 or [email protected].

Other City & Citizen Committees & Task Forces

Independent City-Affiliated Boards
In addition to our Council-appointed advisory boards, the City participates in several independent boards that strive to address the needs of specific Huntington Beach communities.

Volunteer Opportunities
Volunteers are an integral part of the city programs offered to local citizens. Without the donation of dedicated volunteer service, many activities now provided to the Huntington Beach community would not be possible. The City offers a wide range of volunteer opportunities (click below). Volunteer today!

Volunteer Opportunities

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